Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) facilitates the activities of entrepreneurs, people and businesses, worldwide, through our easy-access distribution network and customized services and products delivered with a distinguished and uniqu level of customer service.
Our business idea is lived by franchise partners in over 3,200 MBE locations and in 60 countries. Our goal is to offer companies and consumers a customized solution locally.
Das Service-Portfolio von Mail Boxes Etc. reicht weit über die Standarddienstleistungen hinaus und ist besonders für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen auf individuelle Bedürfnisse angepasst. Durch ein breites Angebot an maßgeschneiderten Lösungen erleichtert MBE ihren privaten und geschäftlichen Alltag.
MBE's brand identity, established via local and national campaigns on the web, radio, TV, print media, billboards and other unique venue events, underscores MBE's prominence and reputation for entrepreneurial excellence, superior quality service and enviable customer loyalty.