Promotional Items & Giveaways Print | Mail Boxes Etc.

Promotional items


Printing Promotional Items: Small Gifts Expand Customer Base


98 percent of all Germans own at least one promotional gift - such as a printed pen, a branded umbrella, or a printed USB stick. This is according to a study by the Association of the Promotional Products Industry (GWW).

Distributing giveaways with logos to a specific target group is still a very effective advertising method even in the digital age. And rightly so: Unlike emails, newsletters, and other digital advertising materials, printed promotional items are usually present with potential customers for a very long time. Most people even keep promotional gifts for years.

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Furthermore, there are other significant arguments in favor of using promotional gifts with brand logos: 

  • Unlike digital discount coupons, which customers do not perceive as gifts, promotional items are seen as genuine gifts - and receiving something as a gift has a positive connotation.
  • Printed promotional items act as multipliers. For example, if the owner of a branded thermal mug uses the mug at their workplace, all colleagues in their department see the mug (and the logo or advertising message).
  • Promotional items with high utility value keep refreshing the advertising message. For instance, a shopping cart token that is used several times a week serves as a brand ambassador multiple times per week.

Mail Boxes Etc. prints promotional items of all kinds for you - from office supplies to caps and textiles to balloons and gummy bear bags. Whether you want to print pens, lighters, rulers, cotton bags, or umbrellas: With Mail Boxes Etc., everything is possible.

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What Matters in Printed Promotional Items

How many lanyards have you bought for yourself in your life? Most likely none. However, you probably own (and use) at least one or have owned one before - and most likely, it was printed with an advertising message.

This shows that promotional items can work excellently as a marketing tool. However, they must be selected and used thoughtfully.

Target Audience
Some promotional items work only for a specific target audience, while they have little impact on another group. Printed mousepads, for example, are interesting for office employees, but they have little utility for teenagers. On the other hand, printed baseball caps have a much better effect on teenagers than on office employees. Since Mail Boxes Etc. can print practically anything, you will definitely find the right items for your customers with us.

Thematic Relevance
Although pens always work as promotional items, an automobile dealership promoting an environmentally friendly new model may prefer to distribute printed wooden pencils rather than printed plastic pens. Pay attention to thematic relevance when selecting promotional items! Mail Boxes Etc. offers you plenty of options.

An advertising gift bundle is even more effective than a single printed promotional gift - for example, a printed cotton bag containing a printed t-shirt and a printed lanyard. Such bundles are ideal when sponsoring sports events, for instance! With Mail Boxes Etc., you can create small and large bundles; we ensure timely provision of all components.

All-in-One Service: Make Use of Mail Boxes Etc.'s Comprehensive Service

All you need for a promotional item printing order is a logo or a design. We take care of everything else. Specifically, this means:

1. We handle the procurement of the items to be printed. We collaborate with numerous suppliers who provide us with various printable promotional products - from "A" like stickers to Corona face masks, lighters, soccer balls, towels, parking discs, umbrellas, etc., all the way to "Z" like rulers.

2. We print your design in perfect quality on the promotional items you have ordered. If your logo needs to be enlarged, reduced, vectorized, color-changed, or isolated, we take care of it.

3. We also handle shipping. The promotional items are delivered to you in the desired quantity, fully printed and ready.

Whether you need ten thousand balloons for a sponsored festival, three hundred coasters for a Christmas party with potential customers, or 50 USB sticks for a targeted mailing campaign: We can print promotional gifts of any kind in any quantity for you. If you want to learn more about how you can brand textiles, beverage cans, sweets, or everyday items and use them as giveaways with Mail Boxes Etc., please contact us - we are happy to advise you.

We look forward to your inquiry!

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*The range of services may vary depending on the location and MBE Center.

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Hand over the time-consuming and demanding trade fair preparations to Mail Boxes Etc. and devote yourself to your main business. MBE has extensive expertise in trade fair services and knows its way around trade fair sites all over the globe.
Mail Boxes Etc. supports you and your company or organisation in all areas. From layout planning to paper selection to final dispatch - with us you can print and send your mailing. Efficiency, a fair price-performance ratio and a high level of data security are always our focus.
Roll-up Banner
Roll-up banners are popular classics of mobile advertising technology. They can be set up quickly and easily at any location. Mail Boxes Etc. offers you a comprehensive range of services for this effective advertising tool.
Storefront design
Mail Boxes Etc. supports you in terms of shop window design with printed products of all kinds: you can obtain window foils, window stickers, window tattoos, signs, posters and printed partition walls from us.
MBE Deutschland GmbH • Bundesallee 39-40a • 10717 Berlin • Tel. +49 30 72 62 090 • Fax +49 30 72 62 09-250 • •

Die Mail Boxes Etc./MBE Center werden von unabhängigen Unternehmern als Franchisepartner betrieben, die im Rahmen eines Franchisevertrages unter der Marke MBE tätig sind. Über sein Franchisenetzwerk bietet Mail Boxes Etc. Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen an. Im Zentrum der Dienstleistungen stehen Logistik- und Versandservices – hierfür hat MBE zu Gunsten seiner Franchisepartner vertragliche Vereinbarungen mit den wichtigsten nationalen und internationalen Expresskurieren abgeschlossen – zum anderen Grafik- und Druckservices, die entweder direkt oder auf Grund von Vereinbarungen mit großen Druckcentern erbracht werden. Die Promotion der Serviceleistungen für Geschäfts- und Privatkunden erfolgt im Rahmen der Geschäftstätigkeit des einzelnen MBE Franchisepartners innerhalb und außerhalb des MBE Centers. Mail Boxes Etc. und MBE sind eingetragene Marken, die mit Genehmigung von Fortidia - einer eingetragenen Marke von MBE Worldwide S.p.A - verwendet werden (alle Rechte sind vorbehalten). Die von den einzelnen MBE Centern angebotenen Dienstleistungen können je nach Standort unterschiedlich sein. Das auf dieser Internetseite vorhandene Material, die hierin enthaltenen Informationen und Daten dürfen nicht kopiert, verteilt, verändert, weiterveröffentlicht, wiedergegeben, heruntergeladen oder an Dritte weitergeleitet werden, sofern nicht eine vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung von MBE Deutschland GmbH erteilt wurde. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für den widerrechtlichen Gebrauch der auf dieser Webseite enthaltenen Materialien, Informationen und/oder der hier enthaltenen Daten.
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