International shipping with MBE

International shipping with MBE


International shipping with MBE: documents, parcels, packages and pallets worldwide

You have customers or business partners all over the world? International shipping outside the EU is the supreme discipline in shipping. Air freight as a transport option and the additional customs formalities require a high level of expertise. Import and export regulations vary greatly from country to country and must be meticulously observed to avoid delays or, in the worst case, delivery failures.

With Mail Boxes Etc. you have found the right partner for international shipping. We are the experts in import and export regulations and ensure the fastest possible deliveries around the globe. For your international parcels, documents and pallets this means: low prices, fast, easy, and through MBE Services always according to local customs and trade regulations.

What are the advantages and services of international shipping with Mail Boxes Etc?

You are the expert for your business - we are the experts for international shipping. With a strong, global network, we actively support you before, during and after shipping.

  • Mit über 2.800 Standorten weltweit, davon ca. 150 in Deutschland, unterstützen wir Sie effektiv bei Ihren internationalen Versandaufgaben.
  • Eines unserer MBE Center befindet sich auch in Ihrer Nähe: Kontaktieren Sie uns für Ihre kostenlose Beratung.
  • Mit unseren Premium-Partnern UPS, TNT, FedEx, DPD, IDS erstellen wir für Sie ein individuelles Angebot abgestimmt auf Ihre Waren und Auslandsdestinationen.
  • Wir beraten Sie zu Zollbestimmungen und erledigen für Sie die Formalitäten.
  • Erhalten Sie auf Wunsch unseren Rundum-Service: von der Versandvorbereitung bis zum Retourenmanagement.
  • Verwirklichen Sie problemlos und wirtschaftlich zusätzliche Anforderungen wie versicherten Versand oder Expressversand.
  • Zeit für Wachstum im Kerngeschäft durch Outsourcing des internationalen Versands

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Price advantages for your international documents, parcels and packages

The cost of international shipping varies greatly. For a package internationally, the price can be as low as 9.99 euros or as high as 99 euros. With our network of international partners, we can keep your international shipping costs low by selecting the services that fit your shipping needs.

Whether you're looking for a low rate for international document shipping, want to optimize your international goods shipping over the long term, or want to ship a specialized machine: We'll find the best deals for you.

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Time-saving and reliable at the recipient - if necessary by express shipping internationally

Customers in international e-commerce also expect short delivery times internationally. Global industrial companies need to deliver goods, parts or preliminary products to worldwide locations on time. International documents should reach the addressee quickly and securely.

Our shipping services are highly reliable. You always have full transparency via tracking. And for particularly time-critical shipments, we also offer international express shipping for your shipments.

International shipping by air freight

When valuable international documents, parcels or freight shipments need to reach their destination quickly, safely and reliably, shipping by air freight is often the best option. The airplane is particularly suitable as a means of transport for time-critical deliveries. With comparatively high transportation fees, it is important that all export formalities are handled correctly so that the time advantage is not lost again at customs.

As always with MBE: The prices for international shipping services are also based on an offer tailored to your needs in air transport. From among our premium partners for international shipping, we work with you to choose the most suitable international freight forwarder and determine the appropriate services and benefits.

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Especially valuable? Especially secured with MBE SafeValue

An expensive racing bike has to go to a sports event in Australia. An antique sculpture is to be exhibited in the USA. A valuable wine shipment is to go to a customer in America.

All these transactions can be secured in terms of value with MBE SafeValue. For particularly sensitive and valuable works of art and antiques, we offer specially insured international shipping via MBE SafeValue Art.

More information

International Shipping China

China remains the workbench of the world and at the same time offers enormous sales opportunities. Shipping goods, parts, raw materials or special machinery from or to the Far East is one of our most frequent requirements for international shipping.

What does a country-specific addressing for international shipping to China look like and which of the International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) should you choose? Rely on our expertise and let the MBE Center advise you on the best shipping options.

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Customs regulations and export conditions in international shipping

Shipments outside the EU are subject to the customs regulations of the importing country. The export accompanying document (ABD or EAD) attached to the shipment plays a central role for the necessary export declaration at customs. First, however, it must be clarified whether the value of the goods is below 1,000 euros. In this case, an export accompanying document does not have to be prepared, but the shipment must still be described in terms of value and content. In addition to customs regulations, import and export restrictions, e.g. for dangerous goods, pharmaceuticals and drugs, must also be observed.

An IT interface to the customs administration is required for the creation of export accompanying documents. We provide you with competent advice on all these issues. Let your MBE Center handle the complex export formalities for you and concentrate on your business success.

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MBE also supports you in importing your international documents, packages and freight shipments

Mail Boxes Etc. is also your ideal partner for the international import of goods and offers you the entire range of services from a single source. This is how we make it possible for you:

  • Control the time and cost of imports from around the world
  • Complete visibility throughout your inbound supply chain
  • Minimize delays and unnecessary duties and taxes
  • Preparation and verification of your commercial invoices
  • Synchronization of your trade chain by controlling imports from different suppliers

In doing so, we offer the following services:

  • Versand mit führenden Express-Kurieren
  • Übernahme sämtlicher Zollformalitäten
  • Zollabfertigung Ihrer Importwaren
  • Kontaktmanagement für Import-Abgaben
  • Eingang und Lagerung der Einzelteile im MBE Center
  • Zeitdefinierte Lieferung von Dokumenten und Waren

Especially in e-commerce, this is an excellent entry point into importing parcels and pallets from the Far East for retailers who want to take advantage of the enormous Chinese sourcing potential.

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Become a global player with MBE

The first steps in international shipping are challenging. Each type of goods and shipment and each international destination brings its own requirements. Nevertheless, the global playing field holds huge potentials. Get a strong partner on your side with MBE to make your international business successful.

MBE transports your documents, parcels and pallets safely, quickly and reliably, even internationally. In particular, you can also hand over the time-consuming preparation of export documents to us, yet always remain precisely informed and retain full cost control.

Checklist: What do I have to consider in international shipping?

  • International shipping brings with it some challenges that are not faced in the same way in domestic business. Some of the most important questions include:
  • Is the package addressed correctly for international shipping? Address formats can differ significantly from country to country.
  • Is the shipment securely packed for its long journey?
  • What is allowed to be shipped, what are the customs regulations in the destination country?
  • Are the goods insured for international shipping?
  • How can the shipping costs be calculated for the customer so that my goods are internationally competitive?
  • Worldwide returns: How does the package get back if the worst comes to the worst?

If you lack the time to deal with all these aspects in depth, outsourcing international shipping can be a worthwhile option. MBE can support you competently in all these and many other questions!

We are looking forward to your inquiry!

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*Service offerings may vary by location and MBE Center.

Other MBE Solutions
Shipping in Europe
Shipping in Germany
Shipping in Europe
Cross-border logistics is indispensable in modern business. Mail Boxes Etc. is your strong partner also beyond national shipping. When shipping in Europe, as an MBE customer you enjoy all the important advantages that also apply to domestic shipping.
Shipping in Germany
Mail Boxes Etc. is your expert for shipping in Germany and worldwide. With more than 2,900 locations in 53 countries, we offer you tailor-made solutions for the national and international dispatch of your parcels, small packages, letters or freight shipments.
MBE Deutschland GmbH • Bundesallee 39-40a • 10717 Berlin • Tel. +49 30 72 62 090 • Fax +49 30 72 62 09-250 • •

Die Mail Boxes Etc./MBE Center werden von unabhängigen Unternehmern als Franchisepartner betrieben, die im Rahmen eines Franchisevertrages unter der Marke MBE tätig sind. Über sein Franchisenetzwerk bietet Mail Boxes Etc. Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen an. Im Zentrum der Dienstleistungen stehen Logistik- und Versandservices – hierfür hat MBE zu Gunsten seiner Franchisepartner vertragliche Vereinbarungen mit den wichtigsten nationalen und internationalen Expresskurieren abgeschlossen – zum anderen Grafik- und Druckservices, die entweder direkt oder auf Grund von Vereinbarungen mit großen Druckcentern erbracht werden. Die Promotion der Serviceleistungen für Geschäfts- und Privatkunden erfolgt im Rahmen der Geschäftstätigkeit des einzelnen MBE Franchisepartners innerhalb und außerhalb des MBE Centers. Mail Boxes Etc. und MBE sind eingetragene Marken, die mit Genehmigung von Fortidia - einer eingetragenen Marke von MBE Worldwide S.p.A - verwendet werden (alle Rechte sind vorbehalten). Die von den einzelnen MBE Centern angebotenen Dienstleistungen können je nach Standort unterschiedlich sein. Das auf dieser Internetseite vorhandene Material, die hierin enthaltenen Informationen und Daten dürfen nicht kopiert, verteilt, verändert, weiterveröffentlicht, wiedergegeben, heruntergeladen oder an Dritte weitergeleitet werden, sofern nicht eine vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung von MBE Deutschland GmbH erteilt wurde. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für den widerrechtlichen Gebrauch der auf dieser Webseite enthaltenen Materialien, Informationen und/oder der hier enthaltenen Daten.
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