Mandatory masks: signs and printed masks from Mail Boxes Etc.

Printed masks and hygienic signs:
Addition to business equipment


Whether indoors, on public transportation, or regionally even in pedestrian areas: The wearing of a mouth-nose protection is currently mandatory in Germany - almost everywhere.

The mask requirement is expected to remain in place for some time: Health experts assume that masks will have to be worn until well into 2022, at least in heavily frequented indoor areas

  Mask Requirement in Public Places | Mail Boxes Etc.

Mask mandatory signs are accordingly important for companies. Because: if parking areas, entrance areas and waiting rooms are provided with signs, which refer to the obligation to wear a mouth guard, the "mask discipline" of customers, suppliers and employees increases significantly. As a full-service graphic design and printing provider, Mail Boxes Etc. creates and produces all types of hygiene message signs for you. We also print masks, mouth to nose shields, spit shields and much more.

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Control behavior - with hygiene message signs

COVID-19 has necessitated new ways of dealing and behaving. However, even in the second year of the pandemic, these have not yet become ingrained in everyone. Certain things need to be pointed out again and again:

  • Wear mouth-nose protection
  • Keep your distance
  • Disinfect hands
  • Enter one at a time only
  • If possible, please pay without cash
  • Use shopping cart
  Mouthguard: design masks & print from Mail Boxes Etc.

We design and print appropriate signal carriers for you - e.g. Notice signs, display stands, posters, customer stoppers and Kappa plates. Of course, we also print floor markers, floor notices and directional arrows to stick on. With such signal carriers, you can create waiting areas, direct visitor flows, and admonish compliance with corona protection regulations in the simplest way imaginable.

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Print mask duty signs yourself?

If you plan to download templates for mandatory mask signs from the web and print them yourself, or if you have already done so, letting us print them for you has quite a few advantages over printing them yourself.

  Mask duty: woman posts sign to print

1. Custom design options
With us, you don't have to rely on one-size-fits-all templates. We can design your signs as you wish - in your "house colors" and using your house font, matching your corporate design, provided with your logo.

2. Quality Guarantee
From us, you are guaranteed to receive high-quality prints - without streaks, streaks or blind spots. And we will even point out any typos to you.

3. Offprints
We can print your signs in almost any size - not only in the office printer standard A4 format. In addition, you have with us the possibility, your printouts laminate or to let coat, so that they are also good for use outdoors.

4. Delivery to destination addresses
You need signs at branch locations, at construction sites or at decentralized warehouse locations? No problem, we deliver the printouts there!

The mouth-nose protection as advertising space:
Have masks printed - with your own logo

The study situation is clear: When meeting a stranger, both men and women look the person in the face first. This is not only in Germany so, but everywhere in the world. Men even fix the face of your counterpart a little longer than women.

In times of pandemic, however, two-thirds of the face is covered by a mouthguard. What could be more obvious than to print this mouthguard and use it as advertising space?

  Have mask printed at Mail Boxes Etc.

Equip your employees with branded masks! Mail Boxes Etc. prints for you both fabric masks and medical OP masks and FFP2 masks with your company logo. Or have masks imprinted with your advertising slogan - creating contemporary promotional gifts and giveaways.

Your logo on spit guards
and disinfectant containers

Transparent screens are now a normal part of the interior design in business premises of all kinds - in open-plan offices, in stores, in cafés and even in taxis. Depending on the industry and hygiene concept, they are a prerequisite for business operations to be possible at all in the respective premises. We supply you with easy-to-install walls in various dimensions, individually printed on request. With spit protection walls from Mail Boxes Etc. you increase the infection protection for your employees and for your customers.

Or how about branded disinfectant containers? In addition to spit guards, we can also provide you with various disinfectant utensils - bottles, stationary dispensers or packaged wipes. If you wish, we can provide everything with your company logo or slogan.

Would you like to learn more about how branded Corona protection products can help you ensure greater safety and expand your promotional reach at the same time? Contact us, we'll be happy to advise you!

Free consultation

Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) is the world's largest graphic arts, printing, packaging and mailing services network, with more than 1,600 locations in more than 40 countries.

We are locally your personal contact for printing and marketing solutions of all kinds.

  Schedule a free consultation with Mail Boxes Etc. for your graphic and print products.

Contact MBE Center


Graphic & Print Overview

MBE Deutschland GmbH • Bundesallee 39-40a • 10717 Berlin • Tel. +49 30 72 62 090 • Fax +49 30 72 62 09-250 • •

Die Mail Boxes Etc./MBE Center werden von unabhängigen Unternehmern als Franchisepartner betrieben, die im Rahmen eines Franchisevertrages unter der Marke MBE tätig sind. Über sein Franchisenetzwerk bietet Mail Boxes Etc. Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen an. Im Zentrum der Dienstleistungen stehen Logistik- und Versandservices – hierfür hat MBE zu Gunsten seiner Franchisepartner vertragliche Vereinbarungen mit den wichtigsten nationalen und internationalen Expresskurieren abgeschlossen – zum anderen Grafik- und Druckservices, die entweder direkt oder auf Grund von Vereinbarungen mit großen Druckcentern erbracht werden. Die Promotion der Serviceleistungen für Geschäfts- und Privatkunden erfolgt im Rahmen der Geschäftstätigkeit des einzelnen MBE Franchisepartners innerhalb und außerhalb des MBE Centers. Mail Boxes Etc. und MBE sind eingetragene Marken, die mit Genehmigung von Fortidia - einer eingetragenen Marke von MBE Worldwide S.p.A - verwendet werden (alle Rechte sind vorbehalten). Die von den einzelnen MBE Centern angebotenen Dienstleistungen können je nach Standort unterschiedlich sein. Das auf dieser Internetseite vorhandene Material, die hierin enthaltenen Informationen und Daten dürfen nicht kopiert, verteilt, verändert, weiterveröffentlicht, wiedergegeben, heruntergeladen oder an Dritte weitergeleitet werden, sofern nicht eine vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung von MBE Deutschland GmbH erteilt wurde. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für den widerrechtlichen Gebrauch der auf dieser Webseite enthaltenen Materialien, Informationen und/oder der hier enthaltenen Daten.
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