Print and send serial letters comfortably with Mail Boxes Etc.

Serial letter & serial printing


Creating and Sending Mail Merge Letters: Serial Marketing Success


Sending printed letters – is it still relevant in the digital era? Absolutely. Even though emails, WhatsApp messages, and social media publications largely dominate written communication today:

The mail merge letter still functions as an information and marketing tool excellently.

The reasons for this are diverse – ranging from a higher attention value compared to emails, longer presence in the immediate environment of recipients, to effective image maintenance.

Even in terms of costs, the printed mail merge letter has its advantages. While printing and postage costs are incurred for printed materials, unlike for emails, the investment pays off: According to an Analog Mail Study by Deutsche Post from 2020, the RoAS (Return on Advertising Spend = advertising cost return) for printed mailings is on average 990 percent. This means that every euro spent on creating and sending mail merge letters generates an additional 9.90 EUR in revenue.

Mail Boxes Etc. is your partner for mail merge printing: We ensure that your mail merge letters are printed in the best quality, expertly assembled, and sent without errors.

Learn more about Graphics & Printing at MBE

Why Outsourcing Makes Sense

Many small and medium-sized businesses still produce promotional mailings and information letters themselves, mistakenly believing it to be cost-effective. However, they overlook the commitment of personnel resources and the time required for printing, enveloping, and franking.

When considering the extremely high error-proneness of self-created mail merge letters, it becomes clear: Mail merge letters are an outsourcing topic.

Benefits of Mail Merge Letter Creation with Mail Boxes Etc.:

  • All-inclusive service: We handle the entire production and shipping process.
  • No effort required from you: We only need the content of the mail merge letter and the addresses from you – we take care of everything else.
  • Mailing personalization: Upon request, we ensure that the salutation in the letter text corresponds to the addressee's name. You can address your customers personally ("Good day, Mr. Schmidt") instead of using a generic salutation ("Dear customer").
  • Creation of QR code mail merge letters: We can generate dynamic QR codes in series and print them on your letters.
  • First-class print quality: We guarantee flawless printing. Fading color intensity (a typical problem with self-printing), stripes, or misaligned printing due to incorrect paper feed are not an issue with us.

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Sticker and Label Printing: Moving Away from Window Envelopes

Ensure that your letters attract attention and are guaranteed to be opened – by avoiding standard window envelopes! Advertising mailings in cheap envelopes with transparent address fields (that may even say "To all households") are hardly effective. Much more eye-catching are letters in sealed envelopes made of high-quality paper. Since we also offer sticker and label printing, we can easily provide your mail merge letters in sealed envelopes with address labels.

Whether it's direct mailings, change notifications, or invoices – we handle your mail merge orders quickly and effectively. We know what matters in printing and shipping and what pitfalls to consider. Would you like to learn more about how you can produce and have mass mail efficiently sent through Mail Boxes Etc.? Contact us, we are happy to advise you.

We look forward to your inquiry!

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*The service offering may vary depending on the location and MBE Center.

Other MBE Solutions
Storefront design
Promotional items
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Hand over the time-consuming and demanding trade fair preparations to Mail Boxes Etc. and devote yourself to your main business. MBE has extensive expertise in trade fair services and knows its way around trade fair sites all over the globe.
Storefront design
Mail Boxes Etc. supports you in terms of shop window design with printed products of all kinds: you can obtain window foils, window stickers, window tattoos, signs, posters and printed partition walls from us.
Promotional items
Whether ten thousand balloons for a sponsored festival, three hundred beer mats for a Christmas party with potential customers or 50 USB sticks for a targeted mailing campaign: we print promotional gifts of any kind for you in any quantity.
Mail Boxes Etc. supports you and your company or organisation in all areas. From layout planning to paper selection to final dispatch - with us you can print and send your mailing. Efficiency, a fair price-performance ratio and a high level of data security are always our focus.
Roll-up Banner
Roll-up banners are popular classics of mobile advertising technology. They can be set up quickly and easily at any location. Mail Boxes Etc. offers you a comprehensive range of services for this effective advertising tool.
MBE Deutschland GmbH • Bundesallee 39-40a • 10717 Berlin • Tel. +49 30 72 62 090 • Fax +49 30 72 62 09-250 • •

Die Mail Boxes Etc./MBE Center werden von unabhängigen Unternehmern als Franchisepartner betrieben, die im Rahmen eines Franchisevertrages unter der Marke MBE tätig sind. Über sein Franchisenetzwerk bietet Mail Boxes Etc. Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen an. Im Zentrum der Dienstleistungen stehen Logistik- und Versandservices – hierfür hat MBE zu Gunsten seiner Franchisepartner vertragliche Vereinbarungen mit den wichtigsten nationalen und internationalen Expresskurieren abgeschlossen – zum anderen Grafik- und Druckservices, die entweder direkt oder auf Grund von Vereinbarungen mit großen Druckcentern erbracht werden. Die Promotion der Serviceleistungen für Geschäfts- und Privatkunden erfolgt im Rahmen der Geschäftstätigkeit des einzelnen MBE Franchisepartners innerhalb und außerhalb des MBE Centers. Mail Boxes Etc. und MBE sind eingetragene Marken, die mit Genehmigung von Fortidia - einer eingetragenen Marke von MBE Worldwide S.p.A - verwendet werden (alle Rechte sind vorbehalten). Die von den einzelnen MBE Centern angebotenen Dienstleistungen können je nach Standort unterschiedlich sein. Das auf dieser Internetseite vorhandene Material, die hierin enthaltenen Informationen und Daten dürfen nicht kopiert, verteilt, verändert, weiterveröffentlicht, wiedergegeben, heruntergeladen oder an Dritte weitergeleitet werden, sofern nicht eine vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung von MBE Deutschland GmbH erteilt wurde. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für den widerrechtlichen Gebrauch der auf dieser Webseite enthaltenen Materialien, Informationen und/oder der hier enthaltenen Daten.
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