Every year, companies, freelancers and self-employed people face the "Christmas question": should you contact customers and partners on the occasion of Christmas? And if so, how? On the one hand, sending Christmas greetings is part of tradition in Western culture, but on the other hand it involves effort and expense. |
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But: sending Christmas greetings is a wonderful way to show appreciation to customers and partners - and thereby gain customer appreciation yourself. No company should let this opportunity go to waste. Whether a corporate group, medium-sized company, start-up or one-man business: Sending Christmas letters or even small Christmas gifts to customers, suppliers and cooperation partners is recommended for all tradespeople. With Mail Boxes Etc. you have for this a strong partner at your side.
We offer a seamless Christmas mailing service that includes every service imaginable - from greeting card creation to packaging branding to providing preconfigured gift boxes.
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Showing emotional connection
A Christmas letter or greeting card is generally not promotional in nature. By conveying good wishes with beautifully designed Christmas mail and taking the opportunity to thank customers and business partners for their good cooperation, a company demonstrates a special bond with the respective recipient that goes beyond the purely business level. This, in turn, also strengthens the business connection.
Liven up contact
Communication thrives on occasions - and Christmas is an excellent communication occasion. With Christmas greetings, companies can bring themselves back to the memory of customers who have recently been less active or with whom contact has somewhat "fallen asleep."
"Small" customers appreciate
In particular, those customers who are not major revenue generators can be conveyed through Christmas mail that they are nevertheless valued as business partners. And also new customers, who ordered only once, feel accepted and estimated by Christmas post office.
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Phrasing business Christmas greetings in such a way that they sound neither forced nor stilted is not so easy. If you then want to combine a business message with the greetings - for example, if you also want to thank customers and suppliers for the good cooperation in the past year - it becomes even more difficult. |
In principle, it is advisable to formulate greeting card texts as simply as possible. Long-winded sentences such as "We would like to wish all our customers a Happy Christmas and at the same time thank you for the trust you have placed in us" are bad for several reasons. On the one hand, they seem due to the formal style of language almost like a farewell formulation, and on the other hand, the use of auxiliary verbs such as "would like to" casts doubt on a genuine greeting. Better is a short formulation and a concrete statement: "We say THANK YOU for your trust and wish you a blessed Christmas and a happy new year."
If you struggle with writing business Christmas greetings or want to play it safe, Mail Boxes Etc. has a wide selection of pre-written greeting texts ready for you, with which you are guaranteed not to go wrong.
Whether you want to send greeting cards, letters, small gifts - such as wine bottles - or complete gift boxes: Mail Boxes Etc. is here for you, doing almost all the work for you. In addition, you have extensive design and individualization options. |
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For all forms of offer applies: We offer in each case service from A to Z. This means: We take over the printing and (in the case of gifts) the purchase as well as the design, packaging and shipping. From you we need only the address data, your individualization wishes or your logo and if necessary a timeline. You can then continue to fully concentrate on your business, while we take the topic "Christmas communication" for you in hand.
Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) is the world's largest graphic arts, printing, packaging and mailing services network, with more than 1,600 locations in more than 40 countries. We are locally your personal contact for printing and marketing solutions of all kinds. |
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