Brexit made easy | With Mail Boxes Etc. your shipping to Great Britain is guaranteed

Guaranteed shipping to the UK despite Brexit
You are prepared with Mail Boxes Etc.

The Brexit transition period is now over and as of January 1, 2021, the UK is no longer part of the EU Customs Union. There are additional requirements that must now be observed when shipping between the UK and the European Union.

Mail Boxes Etc. is at your side to advise and assist you in advance with your shipping needs, including customs, to and from the UK.


On this page, you can learn about how shipping processes have changed and how cross-border trade will run smoothly in 2021 and in the future.

All goods to and from the UK are subject to inspection by customs. Therefore, from now on, a complete and correct transmission of data on shipments is necessary in order to forward them smoothly. The good news: With Mail Boxes Etc. at your side, you are always well prepared! We will give you the necessary support to continue providing your customers with the best quality of service.

What should be considered when shipping between the European Union and the United Kingdom?

The agreement creates new rules of the game for trade between the United Kingdom and the European Union. Details of the agreement are still being worked out, but confirmed are the following changes that will affect your shipping since January 1, 2021:

Customs declaration required for goods shipments

A customs declaration is required for your shipments of goods between the United Kingdom and European Union as of January 1, 2021. Although the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom refers to "zero tariffs" (zero duty rates), there is still a need to prepare a customs declaration.

This requires, among other things, a commercial or pro forma invoice in English, even if no duties are levied on goods. The import sales tax will continue to be levied. Country-specific restrictions remain in place and all associated licenses also remain required.

Requirements for the rules of origin (declaration of preference)

The agreement also regulates how a preferential import can take place by means of a declaration of preference. For this purpose, the country of origin must be indicated on the commercial or pro forma invoice for B2B and B2C shipments. Please use an appropriate declaration for shipping goods from the UK or the European Union that meet the requirements for rules of origin.

Without such a declaration it is not possible to apply for duty exemption. A subsequent change of the documentation after clearance, if at all possible, is subject to costs. Stay informed. We at Mail Boxes Etc. will give you the support you need to continue to provide the best quality of service to your customers.

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Brexit in e-commerce: What changes for you as an online retailer!

Brexit also has an impact on online retail. This article is only relevant for online retailers who sell with their store to the UK or from the UK. The most important thing for online retailers now will be to adjust their e-commerce business to the new framework conditions.

Shipping from the EU to the UK - What to look out for

Due to the exit from the European Union as of January 1, 2021, customs formalities have been introduced for the import of both sides. In the course of this, it may be that an online retailer or an operator of an online store platform, depending on the value of the goods, register for the removal of VAT with the British tax authorities.

For goods up to 135 pounds, the store operator is subject to import VAT. For goods worth more than 135 pounds, the recipient has to pay the import VAT.

In addition, you must inform the customs authorities stating the EORI number (Economic Operator Identification). Even if you already have a European EORI number, you may need to apply for a separate EORI number for shipping to Great Britain or Northern Ireland. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us.

Shipping from the UK to the EU - What to look out for

For shipping from the United Kingdom to the European Union, the customs formalities of the European Union apply. Likewise, the specification of an EORI number is also necessary here. In addition, an import VAT must be paid if the value of goods exceeds 22 euros.

Brexit and data protection: What will change?

For aspects relevant to data protection due to Brexit, a prolonged transition period has been set until at least April 30, 2021. After this date, however, data protection regulations may change, which may have impacts on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You must then implement any adjustments that come into force accordingly.



Brexit: What you need to consider when shipping to the UK - in a few words!

To note: As a general rule:
  • Register for an EORI number.
  • Fill out your commercial invoice correctly (and in English).
  • Enclose a proof of origin.
  • Assign HS (Harmonized System) codes to your goods.
  • Follow the new UK import VAT rules.
  • Check if your goods are inspected at the border.
  • Consider the requirements for returns, if applicable.
  • All courier, express and parcel service providers are once again carrying out express and standard (truck) shipments to and from the UK.
  • Every shipment of goods to the UK must be sent with customs documents.
  • There are differentiated regulations according to the value of the goods and the recipient (B2C or B2B).
  • New surcharges apply.

If you have a specific shipping concern to the UK, contact us and we will be very happy to assist you on a case-by-case basis!

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