E-commerce for SMEs and customers | Mail Boxes Etc.

E-commerce: Shopping made easy
How customers and SMEs benefit from online commerce

Surfing online, searching for products, ordering and having them delivered to your home: from a buyer's point of view, this is roughly the essence of e-commerce, which has grown rapidly over the past 10 years and reached unprecedented levels of importance during the pandemic.

However, even when stores reopen, it will not diminish the popularity of online shopping. After all, it's not just shoppers who benefit from e-commerce opportunities, but businesses as well.

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E-commerce developments: more important than ever

E-commerce is growing like no other retail sector: according to the KEP Study 2020, 3.65 billion parcels and shipments were sent in Germany in 2019 - an increase of 3.8% compared to the previous year.

And in terms of sales, online retail is also climbing to ever new heights: The previous peak was 83 billion euros in 2020, about 15% more than in 2019.

  Girl Plays E-Commerce Between Shipping Boxes | Mail Boxes Etc.

Certainly, the pandemic has fueled the growth of online and mail-order sales. But consumers see it as more than a stopgap in times of lockdown, according to a recent study by Adobe on online shopping: According to the study, 58% of Germans regularly store over the Internet - regardless of whether stores remain closed or not.

Advantages of e-commerce

E-commerce offers consumers, as well as companies in B2B, many good reasons to buy and sell online:  

  • More choice: Whether it's clothing, food or fitness equipment - today virtually everything can be ordered online and the search can be designed exactly according to personal preferences. An incentive both for the customer and for companies to look online.
  • Lower costs: A store entails significant rental and ancillary costs, depending on location and size. These are omitted in an online store, which also allows for lower prices in the offered goods and thus more purchases.
  • Sales around the clock: Your customer does not have to follow your opening hours to store. His orders can also come in the middle of the night or during the holidays - whether he is sitting at the computer or shopping on the go from his cell phone.

E-commerce & Logistics: implement with strategy

Onlineshop: In addition to an attractive web presence including meaningful product descriptions, the customer experience from purchase to shipping must also be convincing.

Through the MBE eShip plug-in for online stores, you can process orders quickly and smoothly for your customers.

  E-commerce employee in home office with baby in arms | Mail Boxes Etc.

Logistics: If an order is received by you, it must go quickly. So off to the warehouse, assemble products, pack them securely for transport, insert any promotional materials and prepare everything for shipping.

Here, every step must be right and scalable depending on the order volume. With outsourcing of logistics, you save time, resources and can focus entirely on your core business.


Shipment tracking: Until your goods reach the customer, they sometimes cover long distances.

With the Online MBE business platform, you always have every shipment in view and can provide your customers with information if necessary.

  Man on tablet pays for e-commerce transaction with smartphone and credit card


Free consultation

Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) is the world's largest network of shipping, packaging, graphics and printing services, with more than 2,800 locations in more than 53 countries.

We are a premium partner of UPS, TNT, FedEx, DPD, IDS and locally your personal contact for shipping solutions of all kinds.

  Schedule a free consultation with Mail Boxes Etc. for your e-commerce.

Contact the MBE Center


Logistics & E-Commerce Overview

MBE Deutschland GmbH • Bundesallee 39-40a • 10717 Berlin • Tel. +49 30 72 62 090 • Fax +49 30 72 62 09-250 • mbe@mbe.de • www.mbe.de

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