International Shipping in Berlin - Mail Boxes Etc. - MBE Deutschland GmbH

More than just express to Timbuktu.
With us you send internationally at the best rate. Flexible, on time and secure.

From the neighborhood to the whole world: Mail Boxes Etc. is the ideal partner when it comes to international shipping. We always recommend the shipping service that exactly meets your requirements, because we know which import and export regulations apply in the respective countries. We are also familiar with the topic of Brexit. Thus, possible customs and export problems of the respective destinations are avoided.

You need a competent partner to take care of your packages that need to be shipped internationally? Then you are exactly right with us.

We are looking forward to your inquiry!
Select your nearest MBE Center:


    MBE CENTER 0001

    Charlottenstraße 17
    10117 Berlin



    MBE CENTER 0079

    Reinhardtstraße 27 B
    10117 Berlin



Your international shipping expert

At Mail Boxes Etc. we are there for you from the very beginning: your partner for international shipping is there to help you with the management.

We take care of the collection of your goods from the customer, assist in the selection of couriers and are also responsible for adequate goods security and customs clearance.

  Mail Boxes Etc. | With MBE you send internationally at the best rate. Flexible, on time and secure.

Engaged consultants close to you

Mail Boxes Etc. offers you a large network: contact us by phone or e-mail and get to know us personally. We will also be happy to arrange a Digital Consultation appointment with you to inform you in detail about all our services.

We are looking forward to your inquiry!
Select your nearest MBE Center:


    MBE CENTER 0001

    Charlottenstraße 17
    10117 Berlin


    MBE CENTER 0079

    Reinhardtstraße 27 B
    10117 Berlin


International network for hassle-free shipping

Mail Boxes Etc. is represented not only in Germany but also in over 35 other countries worldwide. Due to our international presence, imports and exports run smoothly. We stand out especially because of our years of experience in international shipping and handle customs formalities for imports and exports properly.


360° service included

Not only do we take care of the international shipping of your goods, but we also offer important services that you can use when expanding your business abroad.

For logistics, Mail Boxes Etc. is a reliable partner - packaging and shipping management are also part of the service portfolio. As a business customer of MBE Online, you can manage your shipments in an uncomplicated and automated way.

  Mail Boxes Etc. | With MBE SafeValue we offer you comprehensive protection for the entire shipping process and also in the event of damage.

Digital export

Another logistics solution from the shipping expert is MBE eShip. The plug-in is THE shipping interface for online retailers and thus establishes a connection between your e-commerce and our logistics service, allowing you to manage national and international shipments with ease.


Always the right shipping solution!
Mail Boxes Etc. is a premium partner of:

Mail Boxes Etc. ist Premium-Partner von UPS Mail Boxes Etc. ist Premium-Partner von TNT Mail Boxes Etc. ist Premium-Partner von FedEx Mail Boxes Etc. ist Premium-Partner von DPD Mail Boxes Etc. ist Premium-Partner von IDS

Mail Boxes Etc. takes care of your expansion

Your company is successful in Germany and you are planning to expand the business internationally? To drive your expansion, you need a reliable partner for the import and export of goods.

You can rely on our services at any time and in any situation. As shipping experts, we support you throughout the entire process.

  Mail Boxes Etc. | Professional shipping starts with the right packaging. We have made our passion our profession.

We are looking forward to your inquiry!
Select your nearest MBE Center:


    MBE CENTER 0001

    Charlottenstraße 17
    10117 Berlin

+49 30 76 77 52 80


    MBE CENTER 0079

    Reinhardtstraße 27 B
    10117 Berlin

+49 30 29 02 79 770

MBE Deutschland GmbH • Bundesallee 39-40a • 10717 Berlin • Tel. +49 30 72 62 090 • Fax +49 30 72 62 09-250 • •

Die Mail Boxes Etc./MBE Center werden von unabhängigen Unternehmern als Franchisepartner betrieben, die im Rahmen eines Franchisevertrages unter der Marke MBE tätig sind. Über sein Franchisenetzwerk bietet Mail Boxes Etc. Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen an. Im Zentrum der Dienstleistungen stehen Logistik- und Versandservices – hierfür hat MBE zu Gunsten seiner Franchisepartner vertragliche Vereinbarungen mit den wichtigsten nationalen und internationalen Expresskurieren abgeschlossen – zum anderen Grafik- und Druckservices, die entweder direkt oder auf Grund von Vereinbarungen mit großen Druckcentern erbracht werden. Die Promotion der Serviceleistungen für Geschäfts- und Privatkunden erfolgt im Rahmen der Geschäftstätigkeit des einzelnen MBE Franchisepartners innerhalb und außerhalb des MBE Centers. Mail Boxes Etc. und MBE sind eingetragene Marken, die mit Genehmigung von Fortidia - einer eingetragenen Marke von MBE Worldwide S.p.A - verwendet werden (alle Rechte sind vorbehalten). Die von den einzelnen MBE Centern angebotenen Dienstleistungen können je nach Standort unterschiedlich sein. Das auf dieser Internetseite vorhandene Material, die hierin enthaltenen Informationen und Daten dürfen nicht kopiert, verteilt, verändert, weiterveröffentlicht, wiedergegeben, heruntergeladen oder an Dritte weitergeleitet werden, sofern nicht eine vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung von MBE Deutschland GmbH erteilt wurde. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für den widerrechtlichen Gebrauch der auf dieser Webseite enthaltenen Materialien, Informationen und/oder der hier enthaltenen Daten.
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